The Elopement Wedding Ceremony
Just because it’s quick and you want to get on your way doesn’t mean you don’t expect professionalism throughout these very special moments of time.
We know your wedding day is key to a great beginning and we’ll do our part in starting you off right. Quick & Simple! Conveniently performed at your home, your favourite restaurant or even on your way to the airport in your limousine, or yes, even at the airport by a Professional Wedding Officiant! Many call this event a ‘Civil Wedding’ or a ‘City Hall’ wedding. Why not have the best of both worlds, civil and personal, after all you’re not just a number in a line…
To Get Started Now:
The Elopement Wedding Package Includes
Pre-Wedding phone or email Consultation to answer any questions regarding the licensing, the ceremony and general wedding information.
A brief pre-designed Wedding Ceremony – All that’s really needed is both of you, two witnesses (we can even help with that, if needed) and your Officiant. We'll come prepared with Meaningful Vows for you to share with one another, or you may prefer to write you own - It's really up to you!
Price: $279.00 + HST
Deposit: $ 150.00
Deposits are non-refundable after the 10 day grace period. Your deposit confirms the date and time for your wedding ceremony. (Time and Parking Charges may apply for Airport Weddings). Prices do not include the cost of your marriage license which can be purchased at most municipal city halls and many Service Ontario's outlets.
You can download the Wedding License application at Service Ontario
The Elopement is a simple ceremony designed for those who are perhaps traveling to a wedding destination to celebrate their wedding with friends and family and would like the legal matters cared for in Canada, without the hassle of language translation, possible blood testing, giving them the assurance they actually are married. All that’s required is a valid Ontario Marriage License, the couple (of course), and two legal aged witnesses along with your wedding officiant. Simple, Quick and Done! This brief ceremony can take all of five to fifteen minutes. With your direction (including personal vows, if you so choose) and input, it’s still our desire to make it personal and meaningful as you legally finalize your marriage.
To Get Started Now: