Creating Your Perfect Wedding Ceremony | Blog | Dream Weddings Officiants

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Creating Your Perfect Wedding Ceremony

Suggested Wedding Ceremonies

Suggested Wedding Ceremonies Suggestions are just that: Suggestions.  Many couples enjoy a traditional ceremony; perhaps one they’ve witnessed many times before, while others are seeking something new and...

Wedding Vows for Her – Wedding Vows for Him

Wedding Vows for Her – Wedding Vows for Him Your vows (or promises) to each other may just be the most important words you ever say.  Saying that, there’s really no right or wrong words and style to express your love and...

Wedding Vows

Wedding Vows The wedding vows you share on your wedding day at your wedding ceremony are the serious, ceremonial time when you and your groom promise, before your guests, family and friends, to not just love...

Writing your own Wedding Vows

Writing your own Wedding Vows Although you may be a little nervous on your wedding day, one of the greatest gifts you can exchange with your spouse is the Wedding Vows in which you share with each other!  Nothing wrong...

Wedding Ceremony Ideas – The Unity Candle

Wedding Ceremony Ideas – The Unity Candle The Unity Candle Perhaps you been at a wedding and observed a ‘Ceremony within a Ceremony’!  The Sand Ceremony, the Wine Ceremony, the Blessing of the Hands, or perhaps the...

Wedding Ceremony Ideas – Special Ceremonies

Wedding Ceremony Ideas – Special Ceremonies Here are three traditions that people from different cultures use to celebrate at weddings, maybe one of these would be something you would like to add. Sky lanterns at dusk are used in...

Celebrate with Chocolate in Your Wedding Ceremony

Celebrate with Chocolate in Your Wedding Ceremony You’ll want to pick out some of the best loved and favourite chocolates you both can’t wait to sink your teeth into!  Two wrapped pieces is good!  Four is better as...

Wedding Ceremony Ideas – Groom’s Wedding Ring

Wedding Ceremony Ideas – Groom’s Wedding Ring The giving and receiving of rings at a wedding ceremony is an ancient tradition, and one that in our modern world has stood the test of time.  There are many options to choose from with your...

Wedding Ceremony Ideas – Wedding Rings

Wedding Ceremony Ideas – Wedding Rings When it comes to pricey items for your wedding day, the wedding rings are one of them.  Fortunately, unlike renting the table linens or setting up a candy bar, these precious items will...

Wedding Ceremony Ideas – Claddagh Wedding Ring

Wedding Ceremony Ideas – Claddagh Wedding Ring I know, if you’re most couples you’ve searched, shopped and priced out dozens, perhaps hundreds of rings…trying to find the perfect one!  As nice as the wedding ring has...

Wedding Rehearsals & Dinner

Wedding Rehearsals & Dinner Once a traditional pre-wedding logistical meeting followed by a sit-down meal, rehearsal dinners, like many aspects of the modern wedding, are less formal these days. The main reason is to mingle...

Wedding Ceremony Ideas for Your Re-Marriage

Wedding Ceremony Ideas for Your Re-Marriage Getting Remarried? Wondering how to have your Wedding Ceremony just right? Wedding Ceremony Ideas for Your Remarriage? Wedding Ceremony Ideas Well no doubt they will be some...